Auto Masters Collision Center explained on their blog that every vehicle owner has to deal with auto body damage at one point or another. Whenever you drive your car, you face the risk of having a fender bender, a side swipe, or any other auto damage. Nevertheless, you can have these and other types of auto damage fixed at a reputable auto body repair shop. The most important thing is to have the damage fixed as quickly as possible. Here are some of the major types of auto body damage that every vehicle owner should know. 


It’s impossible to avoid dents as long as you own a car. However, dents are fairly easy to repair. Dents can be caused by shopping carts, baseball, cars, and other things. Auto body repair shops fix this damage using a special device and process. When the paint job of a vehicle has not been affected, paintless dent removal can be done. This is a technique that taps auto dent out from their backside. If the dent is bigger, a small hole can be made and a tool inserted to pull out the dent. This hole is then filled and the damaged area painted. If the dent is extremely large, the entire panel can be replaced. 


Collisions are the major causes of scratches and dents. They cause auto structural damage that may include a bent frame. Collision repair can include the use of computerized machinery that straightens out the auto frame while ensuring that the car complies with its factory specifications.


Scratches have many causes. A shopping cart can bang into the side of your car and scratch it. Another vehicle can scratch your car at the parking lot. Small scratches can be fixed by rubbing and buffing. Large scratches on the other hand can require computerized paint matching and use of body fillers. 

Hail Damage

Hail can damage your vehicle in many ways. For instance, hail can cause dents and dings on the trunk and the hood of your vehicle. It can also damage the windshield. The extent and nature of hail damage determine how it is repaired. 

If your vehicle has any of these types of auto body damage, have it fixed at a reputable auto body repair shop.